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Forgotten City

By: Michael Ford


Kobi and his dad have been living in the woods trying not to get more infected by the Waste, a disease that has taken over Earth. In this book, Kobi has to survive despite betrayal, Waste exposure, and the danger of getting caught by enemies. With a unique plot and well-developed characters, Forgotten City is an entertaining book to read. This book was so intriguing that I can’t wait for the sequel to come out.

Review was written by Alex

This book was released on October 9, 2018

Official book description:

   Thirteen years ago, the world ended. A deadly chemical called Waste began to spread across the globe, leaving devastation in its wake. Millions died. Cities fell into chaos. Anything the Waste didn’t kill, it mutated into threatening new forms.

   Kobi has always believed he and his dad were the only survivors. But when his dad goes missing, Kobi follows his trail—and discovers a conspiracy even deadlier than the Waste itself.

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